Common Questions

Need More Help?

If your query isn’t answered below, please contact our customer service team. We’re eager to assist!

Do you provide gift wrapping services?

Yes, we offer gift wrapping for all items. Our skilled team will ensure your gift is wrapped beautifully and with care, making it truly special.

What types of sweets do you offer?

At Sweet Shop, we pride ourselves on offering a delightful variety of Pick’n’Mix sweets. Our collection includes classic favorites, unique treats, and seasonal specials, all carefully selected to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Can I return or exchange a sweet purchase?

We know that sometimes a sweet might not be to everyone’s taste. If you need to return or exchange a purchase, please bring it back within 30 days with the original receipt. Our friendly team will gladly assist you with a return or find a sweeter alternative for you.

How do you support local suppliers and promote sustainability?

We are dedicated to supporting local suppliers and promoting sustainable practices. We source our sweets from local producers who focus on quality and eco-friendly methods. By choosing our products, you’re supporting the community and making a sustainable choice.